In the summer of 2023 I had the pleasure of visiting a lovely friend for a "staycation" in the south of the country! A visit to Hastings, Rye and of course the inspirational Dungeness was about as much creative stimulation a person can take! I have been antique shopped and art galleried until I drop. Particular high points for me included the stunningly quaint Rye with its small streets and wonderful independent shops, Hastings with its diverse atmospheres and stunning sea front. The old town was a particular favourite where we stayed in a small but perfectly formed little house. Right in the heart of the ye olde wolde pubs and yes, you guessed it, more antique shops. I was basically in my upmost element the whole trip.
Then what can I say, the cream on top, the place I have yearned to go and visit, the stunningly bleak Dungeness pebbled beach. I have never been anywhere quite like it and never been anywhere that stopped me in my tracks quite so much. I felt like there was so much to take in, I actually couldnt take any of it in. I managed one sketch on my sketch day, thats all. But I have a wealth of photographs I will steadily start to work my way through. I have the "special" images to work through and want to get started on how to convert these to textile pieces. I have a feeling, a bit like the actual place left me....Im going to not know where to start. But when it hits me, I wont know where to stop!!!! Wish me luck.
